Rescuing Data

Hard-Disk Drives    USB & SD Cards     CDs and DVDs    Mobile

Hard-Disk Drives
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HDD failures fall into two main types:

  • Logical problems (Type-1); where a file or file system structure is written improperly or when data on the drive is corrupt — possibly due to power loss or a process modifying a file is terminated prematurely. While the drive itself may be OK, the files do not load up right, or the file mapping which describes how the files are stored is damaged.

  • Physical problems (Type-2); where data can not be read from the drive or when the data read back differs from the data most recently written to the disk. Possibly, the hard drive platter (or controller) no longer works.

Type-1 problems are clearly easier to fix which means the cost of recovery is also lower than Type-2. Type-1 recoveries normally cost between £55 and £150.

Type-2 problems are much more challenging. Invariably, these failures are symptomised by unusual noises emanating from the drive such as clicking, buzzing or scraping. Often, the drive will either not spin-up at all or will spin-up then shut down again.

In order to fix these types of problem we have to disassemble the drive in a super clean environment (clean-room) and replace the defective components with identically matched parts from a suitable donor drive. Very similar to human transplant in matching and execution. This is intricate and specialised surgery and puts the cost for recovery in the £295 to £795 range.

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We offer a no charge diagnosis so that you are aware of any potential costs before you commit to recovery. If the recovery is unsuccessful due perhaps to damage to the actual disk surfaces there is no charge.

Solid-State Media  e.g. Memory Sticks & SD Cards

These storage devices are much less robust than most people imagine. They are susceptible to damage by static electricity and are easily broken by excessive flexing. Logical errors as with Type-1 above are dealt with in a similar way with prices also between £55 to £150. Type-2 problems where there has been physical damage invariably require that we source an identical device and attempt to transplant the actual memory chip from the failed unit into the new host.
The charge for this procedure is in the £295 to £795 range.

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We offer a no charge diagnosis so that you are aware of any potential costs before you commit to recovery. If the recovery is unsuccessful due perhaps to damage to the actual chips which cannot be repaired, there is no charge.

CDs & DVDs
This recording media has gained a reputation for being robust and durable which is generally true. A laser beam is shone on the underside of the disk and the reflection pattern mimics the recorded pattern embedded within. Scratches on this under surface as well as scratches on the top surface which forms the mirror can confuse the laser-beam reader and cause failures in the reproduction. Using specialised techniques it is possible to by-pass the normal reading procedures and provide access to the surviving data.

The charge for this procedure is in the £55 to £295 range.

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We offer a no charge diagnosis so that you are aware of any potential costs before you commit to recovery. If the recovery is unsuccessful due perhaps to excessive damage to the surfaces which cannot be overcome, there is no charge.

Mobile Devices & Tablets

Accessing data on a mobile device or tablet can be challenging because of the exceedingly compact nature of the circuitry and the often proprietary design and methodology of the product. Nevertheless, we can rescue data from most devices even if the actual unit is longer usable. Cracking passwords on these devices is often less fruitful but as always we offer a no charge diagnosis so that you are aware of any potential costs before you commit to recovery if it is possible. If the recovery is unsuccessful then there is no charge.